
November 19, 2012

Little Mr. Cutie Pie

Watching Thomas on Television
Saturday was spent with little Mr. Cutie Pie Isaiah, watching Thomas the Train (his favorite), Dora the Explorer (backpack, backpack, swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping) sorry its still stuck in my head, and Sesame Street.

We played with various toys in Mimi's toy box, he especially likes the cash register. He's getting an early start on how to spend Mommy and Daddy's money.

Isaiah Rocket
Isaiah and Rocket
Of course all three of the dogs were
totally intrigued with him and wanting to lick all the yummy morsels from his face each time he ate, and hoping he would drop pieces of food on the floor for them.
Isaiah was amazed that Tyler could shake and he spent the rest of the day grabbing Tyler's paw and telling him to shake, shake, shake, it was so cute.
After he left for the day I was totally exhausted, boy I am getting old. It's hard work keeping up with a 2 year old.
Isaiah with toy
Loving the cash register cha ching!
rescue dog
Phoenix caught in a rare moment of stillness
Someones getting sleepy

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