
November 14, 2012

Lost In Time


Swirling, spinning, twirling
Round and round I go

Wondering what is my purpose
Feeling like I should know

Shouldn't I be achieving more
Than I actually do

Worrying what the next
Day will bring

And where I belong
In the midst of this thing

What is my purpose
In life while I'm here

How can I make
A difference in a few short years

In the lives
Of others I know

And love so dearly
How do I show

How do I help
I'm lost in a whirlwind

Chasing my tail
What really is around the bend?

1 comment:

  1. I was once told that true spirituality is finally knowing where I stood in the Big Picture, finding my place ...I think you should continue writing and of course taking pictures... you have a beautiful mind and whatever is around the bend will probably be the fruits of all your creativity..which is awesome
