
November 13, 2012


Why does Phoenix find it necessary to lick my laptop screen when I am trying to type? She always looks so innocent when I take her photo but I am telling you she is not. She is a feisty little thing.

Soon we will be taking a week vacation to Colorado and I keep asking myself, "How will I survive a week without my dogs?" I realize that may sound silly to some people, but my dogs are my little fur babies and I love them and worry about them like they are my children. I can't begin to tell you how difficult it is for me to leave them.

Which leads me to...
research I've been doing on the web today trying to find someone who could come to our home and stay with them here for the week, a house/pet sitter. There are many available in my area but few that do in home care.

The next step is to call the few that do in home care and set up appointments to meet with them to see if they would be a good fit for our animals while we are away. Although we do have a very sweet lady that boards them from time to time I know it is stressful for them to be boarded and have to be in a crate so much of the day. Plus being that we now have three dogs it makes things a bit more difficult and pricey.

I'm hoping I can find someone soon to ease my peace of mind at the thought of leaving them.

1 comment:

  1. Its gonna be okay,and I understand missing your dogs. Dogs have always been the only things on earth to love me unconditionally. They will miss you too, where is there blog?
